A good place to live
The area around Skarregaard on North Mors has been inhabited since ancient times. The landscape contains the remains of settlements, burial mounds from the Bronze, Stone and Iron Ages, a Viking hall, a Medieval castle with castle mounds and a nobleman's manor.…
Flooded but undaunted
" The young Jørgen Christian Overgaard purchased Skarregaard farm in 1832, which remained in the family for four generations. But initially, he had his work cut out; the farm was run down and mismanaged. And so the young owner set about digging ditches, erecting fences and building water mills to irrigate the meadows. But disaster struck in 1839. A flood put paid to all his work, and the buildings and livestock were lost. Undaunted, the plucky owner rebuilt the farm with large bullock stables on the highland overlooking the coastal plain and the Liim Fjord. After him, the farm passed from father to eldest son: Jørgen Christian, Carl, Jørgen, Carl. Before his death in 1978, the last Carl bequeathed the farm to Morsø Municipality. "
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Comments to the story (3)
Jörgen Christian O. hade många järn i elden han skötte inte bara om Skarregaard utan hade även en färjebåt (det hade han även innan han köpte Skarregaard) men även en lanthandel. Och dessutom två andra gårdar. Jörgen Christian köpte Skarregaard 6 februari 1833 av godsägare Stadel. Gården kostade 2200 Rigsbankdaler. Men då låg gården nere mellan sjöarna, efter bland annat översvämningarna 1839 så flyttades gården upp till sin nuvarande läge 1843. Jörgen Christian (som var min farfars farfars) fick flera barn den äldste hette Jens Christian (min farfars far) fick Nöttrupgaard och den näst äldste Carl Christian (Carls farfar som testamenterade bort Skarregaard) fick Skarregaard. Carl hade fyra systrar, tre som var äldre än honom. Men på den tiden gick arvet ärvde sönerna. Carl fick inga barn, men om han fått det så hade jag varit kusin med dom i tredje led.
Hello Staffan. Nice to hear from you. Where are you from? Would you mind telling us, how your family happened to leave the islands of Mors? Greetings from Skarregaard. Anna
My grandfather was born on Skarregaard, to bad he was not the oldest son. It is strange to see old relatives on a museum wall. Kind regards Staffan Overgaard
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Stories (1)
" The young Jørgen Christian Overgaard purchased Skarregaard farm in 1832, which remained in…