ContactQuestions about artworksThe individual museum itself registers and updates the information about the artworks in their collections. If you have any questions about a specific work of art, you should therefore contact the museum owning the work in question. You can find the necessary contact information for individual museums via the Museum Overview. Questions about artists in Weilbachs KunstnerleksikonDenmark's national art library stores Weilbach's archive. If you have any questions concerning artists in Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon (Weilbach's Danish lexicon of artists), you should therefore address them to the national art library. You can contact Denmark's national art library by sending an e-mail to: or by sending a letter to: Danmarks Kunstbibliotek, Kongens Nytorv 1, Box 1053, 1007 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Material for future edition of Weilbachs KunstnerleksikonOver time, work on a new edition of Weilbach's art lexicon will be launched. Denmark's national art library therefore encourages artists and architects who think it likely they will be included in a future edition of the lexicon to submit catalogues, printed material, invitations and similar. The material will become part of the library's art-historical picture archive, Kunsthistorisk Billedarkiv , or the collection of architecture design drawings, Samlingen af Arkitekturtegninger, and will thus be used and preserved. Please send any material to: or to: Danmarks Kunstbibliotek, Kongens Nytorv 1, Box 1053, 1007 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Questions concerning operation and management of Kunstindeks DanmarkThe Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces runs and develops Kunstindeks Danmark (Art Index Denmark). If you have any questions about the operation and management of this website, you can write to: or to: Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen/Center for Bibliotek, Medier og Digitalisering, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2, DK-1553, Copenhagen V, Denmark.