Rules for useKunstindeks Danmark (Art Index Denmark) is a free service provided by the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces for the public and museums. The service may be used for most purposes without the Agency's approval. However, please note: The website is made available as a resource for the general public and professionals. Information on the website is provided by Danish art museums, Denmark's national art library and the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces. The museums, Denmark's national art library and the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces do not guarantee the correctness of the information provided on the website. Note that the information from Weilbach's lexicon of artists will not be updated. Any harvesting of content on the website, including photos of artworks, is PROHIBITED, except for harvesting that takes place in accordance with (the Danish act on legal deposit (only available in Danish). So-called 'deep links' to the website are allowed, except for direct links to photos of artworks on the website. Links to artworks on the website must be to web pages that are displayed when searching the work through the service. If you are in doubt about whether you may use the service for a specific purpose, please contact the Danish National Cultural Heritage Agency . |