Karl Schou

Works by the artist in Danish museums

Number of artworks: 96

Sort the results by clicking the column headers
Photo Title Date Type of work Museum
Nursing Mother
1885-1914 Painting
Statens Museum for Kunst
ca 1914 Painting
Statens Museum for Kunst
1926 Painting
Statens Museum for Kunst
1923 Painting
Ribe Kunstmuseum
Byggeplads set mod Petri Spir
1910 Painting
Københavns Museum
The Cello Player
1900 Painting
Faaborg Museum
Dronningestatuer i Luxembourghaven
1921 Painting
Den Hirschsprungske Samling
A Shoemaker
1891 Painting
Faaborg Museum
1908 Painting
Statens Museum for Kunst
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