Finn Reinbothe


Bygningspassage (maleri, 1984, Alfred Benzons Pr.); Ocean (skulptur, 1985, Esbjerg Kunstmus.); Vandets veje (skulptur, 1989, smst.); Cavalet (1989); This Way Up (grafisk mappe, 1990, Kobberstiksaml.); Still Life? Inside information I-III (maleri, 1994, Trapholt); Still Life (projektionsinst., 1995); Adam og Eva (skulpturinst., 1995). Udsmykninger: Dronn. Ferieby, Ebeltoft (skulptur, 1990); Udenrigs- og sportsred., Pol. Hus, Kbh. (maleri, 1993); Fredensborg (vandkunst, 1995); Muren (landskabsskulptur, 1996, Trapholt, s.m. Boje Lundgaard).

Author: Ann Lumbye Sørensen (A.L.S.) Abbreviations Notice: The information comes from the 4th version of Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon. The editing of the encyclopedia ended in 1994. The information is not continuously updated.